1.   According to the Washington Post, Lee may be the first civilian ever prosecuted for simply mishandling classified data.

2.   But Lee passed a polygraph test on whether he had divulged classified data and cooperated with FBI agents trying to get incriminating information on the Tiger Trap suspect.

3.   Habiger has to weigh whether the risks of exposing additional classified nuclear data outweigh the need for the prosecution of the scientist, Wen Ho Lee.

4.   He had been considering a deal with the Justice Department in which he would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of keeping classified data on his home computers.

5.   He dumped the measure that would have brought prison terms of up to three years to federal workers who willfully disclosing any classified data that could harm national security.

6.   He had been considering a deal with the Justice Department in which he would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of keeping classified data on home computers.

7.   He ordered new procedures to make it more difficult to transfer classified data.

8.   In recent weeks, Freeh has imposed stricter controls on classified data bases and ordered wider use of polygraphs exams for FBI employees.

9.   It failed to examine huge stores of classified data to which credible witnesses directed them.

10.   It also follows closely the release of classified data suggesting that Earth is hit by smaller strikes more frequently than astronomers thought.

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