1.   The tram clanged its bell and rattled off angrily into the gloom.

2.   And so evening comes, and the Greek Orthodox clang their bell in the church tower.

3.   As long as people are hungry in this country, there ought to be someone clanging a bell in our living rooms.

4.   He would walk up and down the aisles of the dormitory clanging the bell.

5.   If you turned over and pulled the pillow over your head, he would stand at your bed and clang the bell until you jumped out.

6.   The gripman clanged his bell and yelled for the woman to move.

7.   Upon opening the door, I was hit by a wave of clanging bells and rattling pocket change.

8.   Would he like to be a conductor, tipping his hat and clanging the bell, if the city and some company makes his dream come true?

9.   Every time a Japanese jumped, the spectators cheered, waving flags, clapping, blowing horns, clanging bells.

10.   Suddenly, a group of bare-chested handlers raced down the street, clanging brass bells.

v. + bell >>共 120
ring 43.78%
hear 8.65%
answer 4.86%
set 2.34%
clang 1.98%
have 1.44%
sound 1.44%
toll 1.26%
use 1.08%
strike 1.08%
clang + n. >>共 24
bell 20.00%
shut 18.18%
cowbell 12.73%
shot 7.27%
ball 3.64%
cymbal 3.64%
door 3.64%
baton 1.82%
end 1.82%
faithful 1.82%
每页显示:    共 11