1.   He has claimed success with every kind of tumour that he has treated - including lung cancer at a late stage.

2.   Read in studio Police are claiming success for a new campaign to tackle crime in the countryside.

3.   Police are claiming success for a new campaign to tackle crime in the countryside.

4.   And so aid agencies have been turning more to programs that involve Somalis directly and are claiming some success.

5.   As a dictator, he was able to claim success on all those points.

6.   As usual, officials claimed increased success in interdicting shipments of drugs and reducing areas of production.

7.   As of mid-October, the group could finally claim success.

8.   Against that background, the Bush administration claimed some success for the Powell peace mission.

9.   Allies of Cannavino say his resignation was orchestrated by Perot in a plan to retake the company and claim a success in time for the next presidential campaign.

10.   But Freeh can claim important successes.

v. + success >>共 523
have 26.42%
achieve 5.13%
enjoy 4.42%
find 3.47%
claim 2.87%
attribute 2.64%
measure 2.41%
guarantee 1.90%
ensure 1.63%
follow 1.19%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
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