1.   He said that the HMOs took full responsibility and were subject to punishment based on the actions of the claims processors with which they contract.

2.   Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala sent letters to Capitol Hill on Thursday telling lawmakers that Medicare claims processors will be encouraged to lower reimbursement rates.

3.   Shalala said in her letter that HHS will encourage Medicare claims processors to use the new, lower list prices, as well.

4.   Some of the jobs available will be claims processors, customer service representatives, accountants, computer programmers and managers.

5.   The program also will develop computer systems to track payments and intervene to prevent claims processors and auditors from abusing the program, it said.

n. + processor >>共 126
signal 10.41%
meat 9.90%
computer 6.85%
poultry 5.58%
milk 4.82%
grain 3.05%
soybean 2.79%
beef 2.28%
pork 2.28%
fish 1.78%
claim 1.27%
claim + n. >>共 363
court 5.39%
form 4.59%
report 3.67%
datum 3.21%
area 2.98%
process 2.29%
adjuster 2.18%
figure 2.18%
number 2.06%
police 1.72%
processor 0.57%
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