1.   The ethnic Albanians rationalize their current violence, justifying it by saying that Serb civilians killed and raped their loved ones and looted and burned their homes.

2.   The fewer additional civilians killed in Afghanistan or elsewhere, the better.

3.   At least eight civilians killed in Kashmir fighting.

4.   Civilians killed despite sophisticated weapons.

5.   Eight civilians killed in Indian-Pakistani gunfire.

6.   Fourteen civilians killed in fighting in army clash with guerrillas.

7.   Four civilians killed during rescue operation by Israeli paratroopers.

8.   Four others, wounded in a shootout with police, were killed by civilians wielding machetes near the Dominican border, police said.

9.   Initially the legionnaires claimed a Muslim civilian had killed their colleague.

10.   It said two attacks were carried out and civilians killed in both.

n. + kill >>共 1422
police 4.72%
gunman 4.65%
soldier 4.50%
troop 4.12%
rebel 3.83%
force 3.03%
guerrilla 2.38%
militant 2.12%
explosion 1.74%
man 1.67%
civilian 0.15%
civilian + v. >>共 362
be 19.45%
die 8.25%
flee 7.66%
suffer 2.36%
have 1.98%
leave 1.98%
take 1.71%
try 1.34%
wound 1.29%
say 1.13%
kill 0.75%
每页显示:    共 14