1.   Because Bailey has failed to return the disputed assets to the court, he was sent to jail two weeks ago for six months on a civil contempt order.

2.   A citation for civil contempt and a fine would be an appropriate punishment.

3.   Civil contempt of Congress is punishable by jail and or fines unless the reluctant witness agrees to testify or provide documents.

4.   He added that McDougal will be released from civil contempt charges when she obeys a federal court order requiring her to testify before the Whitewater grand jury.

5.   If the defense lawyers do not comply, the prosecutors said, the court should use its power to force them to comply under civil contempt rules.

6.   In July, the judge held the bishop in civil contempt but refused to order further sanctions.

7.   In the course of the trial, two Clinton cabinet members have been held in civil contempt for not producing records in a timely way for the court case.

8.   In other lawsuits, judges have used civil contempt citations, some with jail terms, to enforce their rulings.

9.   Instead, criminal contempt charges are the penalty for refusing to talk while being jailed for civil contempt.

10.   It is civil contempt, for refusal to testify before the grand jury, not perjury.

a. + contempt >>共 146
criminal 17.37%
civil 7.78%
utter 3.29%
public 2.99%
open 2.99%
same 2.69%
deep 2.40%
growing 1.80%
undisguised 1.80%
icy 1.80%
civil + n. >>共 473
suit 9.17%
aviation 8.87%
lawsuit 7.21%
case 5.90%
unrest 5.11%
society 5.10%
trial 4.04%
court 3.63%
union 2.43%
strife 2.40%
contempt 0.39%
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