1.   The ousted pro-Moscow deputies were accused of forming part of a group to protect civic rights and constitutions of the Soviet Union and Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic.

2.   Fifteen million guest workers in the EC have no civic rights and no right to vote.

3.   Good citizenship skills, she added, include knowing how to participate in local politics and understanding civic rights and responsibilities.

4.   Israel has instead demanded that Lebanon give the Palestinians permanent residence and civic rights, like permission to work freely.

5.   The latest crackdown, which started more than a year ago, raises questions about foreign trade and investment promoting civic rights in the nominally Marxist nation.

6.   They are citizens of Israel, and their civic rights must be protected at all costs.

7.   A pro-reform movement launched in April by civic rights groups and some opposition politicians forced the government to pass legislation that included some of the proposed reforms.

8.   All defendants lost their civic rights meaning they cannot vote in elections or run for office for up to five years.

9.   He also had his property confiscated and was stripped of all civic rights.

10.   He recommended that Bonnet serve a four-year prison sentence, with one of those years suspended, and be stripped of certain civic rights for three years.

a. + right >>共 513
constitutional 6.57%
gay 6.19%
animal 5.91%
religious 4.43%
legal 4.20%
exclusive 3.68%
equal 3.02%
voting 3.00%
far 2.14%
individual 1.86%
civic 0.20%
civic + n. >>共 487
group 13.97%
leader 13.63%
organization 4.66%
pride 4.11%
duty 4.11%
life 2.73%
center 2.22%
affair 2.10%
association 1.93%
responsibility 1.72%
right 1.09%
每页显示:    共 26