1.   Thirty-four California cities have banned its product.

2.   The city has banned smoking in all public buildings.

3.   An Environmental Protection Bureau spokesman in Guangzhou said that before long the city would ban the white boxes.

4.   A suburban city has banned obscene throws, like dildos, from its parades, but voted that panties were OK.

5.   After World War I, however, the city banned billboards in residential and scenic areas.

6.   For more than a decade, the California city has banned plastic from curbside recycling bins.

7.   He said he is fully expecting the city to ban billboards permanently, and acknowledged there is already a glut of billboards in Los Angeles.

8.   Karle, responding to the justices, said the letter of the law would allow the city to ban the nude scenes in Equus.

9.   Nine years later, the city banned burials altogether.

10.   Since the city banned Sunday traffic in the park, attendance is down dramatically.

n. + ban >>共 387
government 18.97%
law 9.04%
authority 8.07%
police 4.32%
bill 3.10%
state 2.52%
sanction 2.48%
court 2.29%
official 2.13%
treaty 1.90%
city 0.97%
city + v. >>共 754
be 18.24%
have 8.71%
need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
do 1.09%
make 1.06%
take 1.01%
use 1.00%
offer 0.99%
ban 0.25%
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