1.   The experience of traders in York, Middlesbrough, Newcastle and other towns and cities around the country is that pedestrianisation does work for them.

2.   Although five electric transmission lines snake through the reservation to major cities around the West, the homes near Bodaway lack electricity and running water.

3.   And many divorced families celebrate Christmas over Hanukkah because they are busy shuttling kids from one home to another in different cities around the nation.

4.   And men in cities around the country who are convicted of soliciting prostitutes are identified on newspapers, radio shows and billboards.

5.   And in cities around the country, efforts to establish civilian review boards have frequently led to prolonged, low-intensity warfare over the authority they will wield.

6.   And then the city all around it collapsed.

7.   Any urban grammar school is a reflection of the city around it.

8.   AOL and CompuServe can be reached by a local call throughout the United States and in major cities around the world.

9.   Architects are to be invited to come up with plans for pivotal sites in major cities around the world.

10.   As in many poor and working-class cities around the country, the illegal numbers, which were known as policy, had flourished for decades.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
people 2.17%
arm 1.57%
security 1.30%
time 0.86%
thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
city + p. >>共 90
in 20.95%
of 16.28%
with 6.56%
on 6.41%
for 6.30%
like 4.83%
to 4.37%
as 4.20%
from 3.21%
across 2.34%
around 1.52%
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