1.   Citronella candles are a must at an outdoor do.

2.   Another big gainer was Greenwich-based Blyth Industries Inc., which makes outdoor citronella candles.

3.   Citronella candles are a good idea.

4.   Citronella candles.

5.   For short-term outdoor control, mosquito coils, citronella candles and citronella oil lamps do a reasonable job of keeping mosquitoes away for several hours.

6.   I had a couple of mosquitoes in my tent last month, but I lit a citronella candle and they disappeared.

7.   Instead of those tacky bamboo torches, pick large rectangular galvanized metal lanterns with citronella candles to ward off evil spirits and insects.

8.   Q. A citronella candle was spilled on a concrete apron around my swimming pool.

9.   We handle ours with citronella candles.

n. + candle >>共 70
memorial 28.33%
birthday 6.67%
beeswax 5.83%
aromatherapy 3.75%
citronella 3.75%
lithium 3.75%
perchlorate 3.75%
pillar 2.08%
tallow 2.08%
wax 2.08%
citronella + n. >>共 8
candle 45.00%
oil 25.00%
eye 5.00%
flare 5.00%
lamp 5.00%
principle 5.00%
scent 5.00%
variety 5.00%
每页显示:    共 9