1.   All political structures are threatened by popular cynicism, distrust and the longing for more direct forms of citizen action.

2.   Citizen action also increased.

3.   Gritz, McLamb and Gillespie share an apocalyptic view of American politics, a belief that the federal government has become tyrannical and must be stopped by citizen action.

4.   Robinson was taking advantage of a California legal quirk that allows such citizen action.

5.   The torch lit in Philadelphia must be carried back to ignite community leadership and citizen action in cities, towns and neighborhoods across America.

6.   Union leaders said they plan to build a coalition of consumer, citizen action and religious organizations.

n. + action >>共 644
court 12.78%
government 10.86%
strike 9.37%
enforcement 5.37%
protest 3.60%
libel 1.97%
labor 1.94%
floor 1.37%
committee 1.17%
year 1.11%
citizen 0.17%
citizen + n. >>共 198
group 20.10%
complaint 7.52%
committee 3.92%
participation 3.76%
access 2.61%
lawsuit 2.12%
panel 1.96%
charter 1.80%
militia 1.63%
initiative 1.63%
action 0.98%
每页显示:    共 6