1.   General deterrence theory is often cited to justify punishments, sometimes in specific cases.

2.   FIVE EXCUSES FOR SPANKING AND WHAT TO DO INSTEAD There are five arguments frequently cited to justify spanking, but the experts cite alternatives in every case.

3.   Self-defense is the reason most often cited to justify concealed weapons.

4.   These are the same actuaries Republicans keep citing to justify the cuts they want to make in the growth in Medicare spending.

5.   When American companies cite foreign competition to justify blockbuster mergers, regulators should be careful to check whether that competition extends down to consumers.

v. + justify >>共 56
use 45.93%
exist 6.98%
do 2.91%
invoke 2.91%
cite 2.91%
emerge 2.33%
fabricate 1.74%
print 1.74%
say 1.74%
advance 1.16%
cite + v. >>共 48
show 7.69%
justify 6.41%
support 6.41%
be 5.13%
appear 3.85%
know 3.85%
release 3.85%
say 3.85%
explain 2.56%
impose 2.56%
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