1.   And would do it again if circumstances warranted.

2.   And, there are sound reasons here for permitting an exception to the timing rule where circumstances warrant.

3.   Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said circumstances warrant a more activist central government.

4.   Columns from TheStreet.com are distributed to client papers daily by The New York Times Syndicate, plus bonus articles when circumstances warrant.

5.   Despite such misgivings, Powell said he was willing to meet with Arafat while he is in the region, if the circumstances warrant.

6.   Doctors will address simple medical problems and, if circumstances warrant, initiate treatment.

7.   Feinberg also pointed out that families could appeal to him if they felt their particular circumstances warranted a larger award.

8.   Since then, Sotomayor has demonstrated a willingness to take the government to task whenever she believes the circumstances warrant it.

9.   The Americans had insisted on a four-month limit, though the mission could be ended earlier if circumstances warranted.

10.   Under Pakistani law, hijacking is a capital offense, though a judge can give a lesser sentence if circumstances warrant it.

n. + warrant >>共 166
situation 8.62%
evidence 7.83%
condition 6.79%
arrest 5.22%
circumstance 3.66%
case 3.13%
development 2.61%
event 1.83%
prospect 1.83%
problem 1.57%
circumstance + v. >>共 193
be 36.25%
change 7.35%
force 2.92%
make 2.82%
dictate 2.42%
arise 2.42%
allow 2.11%
seem 1.41%
lead 1.41%
warrant 1.41%
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