1.   It will be a matter for discussion as to whether all partners should retire at the same age or whether circumstances justify disparity.

2.   These circumstances should not justify the landlord in withholding the services.

3.   Some said it was unclear whether courts would agree that the current circumstances justified military commissions.

4.   Special circumstances justify vigilant judicial inspection to protect minority voters, circumstances that do not apply to majority voters.

5.   Special circumstances justify vigilant judicial inspection to protect minority voters circumstances that do not apply to majority voters.

6.   Such a circumstance justifies a warrantless entry, he said.

7.   They also had to prove that their actions were politically motivated and that circumstances justified the manner in which they were carried out.

8.   But I am convinced that present circumstances fully justify them.

n. + justify >>共 338
end 9.09%
government 3.69%
official 2.84%
earnings 2.56%
administration 1.70%
result 1.70%
circumstance 1.56%
company 1.56%
condition 1.42%
evidence 1.28%
circumstance + v. >>共 193
be 36.25%
change 7.35%
force 2.92%
make 2.82%
dictate 2.42%
arise 2.42%
allow 2.11%
seem 1.41%
lead 1.41%
warrant 1.41%
justify 1.11%
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