1.   Numerous studies have shown that Helicobacter pylori infection of the gastric antrum raises circulating gastrin concentrations in duodenal ulcer patients and healthy volunteers.

2.   We measured circulating gastrin to determine the concentrations of gastrin required to produce half maximal acid secretion.

3.   Circulating gastrin is trophic to parietal vells, but its paracrine effects are unknown.

4.   The present study has also confirmed that H pylori affects circulating gastrin concentrations.

a. + gastrin >>共 20
basal 19.15%
circulating 10.64%
fasting 10.64%
antral 6.38%
increased 6.38%
amidated 4.26%
enhanced 4.26%
exaggerated 4.26%
increasing 4.26%
postprandial 4.26%
circulating + n. >>共 44
gastrin 7.81%
concentration 7.81%
antibody 6.25%
blood 6.25%
pump 6.25%
estrogen 3.13%
glucose 3.13%
nurse 3.13%
branch 1.56%
capital 1.56%
每页显示:    共 5