1.   Information is circulated annually to all overseas students.

2.   Area corporations circulated information to their employees on where to donate blood.

3.   But they only circulate that information to other agencies if there is time before the meeting takes place.

4.   Does it circulate information to the pubic?

5.   Intranet is a term that describes the creation of private Internet-like networks for circulating information inside a company.

6.   Rockwell still refuses to discuss this step, but several sources confirmed that the company had circulated information to potential buyers.

7.   Under current law, drug companies generally may not circulate information about unapproved uses of their products unless a doctor specifically requests the data.

8.   Officials then can alert neighbors, who are under court order not to circulate the information.

v. + information >>共 422
provide 9.86%
have 8.76%
give 4.15%
share 3.81%
get 3.58%
release 3.04%
use 2.92%
gather 2.72%
receive 2.61%
seek 2.04%
circulate 0.04%
circulate + n. >>共 209
petition 17.96%
air 5.99%
letter 5.86%
report 2.99%
proposal 2.87%
draft 2.37%
document 2.24%
water 2.12%
leaflet 2.00%
resolution 2.00%
information 1.00%
每页显示:    共 8