1.   Failure to recognize this leads to circular arguments.

2.   The Court refused to allow itself to be caught in a circular argument as to which State needed to waive immunity first.

3.   This appears to be a circular argument, typical of closed-belief systems.

4.   At this point, some hawk-eyed philosopher will start mumbling something about a circular argument.

5.   A circular argument goes on about who is responsible.

6.   Its members have been preoccupied with circular arguments in attempts to smooth out the inconsistencies in their philosophy.

a. + argument >>共 903
closing 13.01%
oral 5.85%
legal 4.41%
opening 3.35%
final 3.00%
same 2.94%
heated 2.93%
strong 2.13%
similar 1.74%
good 1.70%
circular 0.12%
circular + n. >>共 358
motion 5.27%
orbit 2.70%
pattern 2.57%
driveway 2.30%
drive 1.76%
table 1.62%
route 1.62%
window 1.49%
staircase 1.35%
flow 1.35%
argument 0.81%
每页显示:    共 6