1.   He abandoned his circle changeup in favor of a split-fingered fastball that he found very effective.

2.   He experimented with a circle changeup that has become his second-best pitch.

3.   He throws the traditional circle changeup and not the foshball that Al Nipper teaches.

4.   In that package hitters will find a fastball, a slider, a curve ball, a sinker, a circle changeup where the bottom falls out.

5.   She likes to throw a circle changeup.

6.   She throws a mean circle changeup.

n. + changeup >>共 13
circle 26.09%
first-pitch 13.04%
above-average 8.70%
full-count 8.70%
way 8.70%
fosh 4.35%
four-seam 4.35%
signature 4.35%
splitter-grip 4.35%
spring 4.35%
circle + n. >>共 64
dance 8.65%
skirt 8.65%
changeup 5.77%
line 3.85%
beat 3.85%
time 3.85%
runner 2.88%
member 2.88%
meeting 1.92%
change 1.92%
每页显示:    共 6