1.   Annulments are necessary for divorced Catholics who want to remarry within the church because the church does not recognize civil divorce.

2.   But others see it as one example that white and African-American churches are increasingly recognizing that their Christian faith demands that they work together.

3.   Finally having the church recognize what happened was better therapy than the years he has spent with professionals, said the plaintiff, James Sibert.

4.   For centuries, the church has recognized hermits attached to monastic communities, men or women living separately near a monastery.

5.   Houston encouraged the Vatican to establish a diocese in Texas to show that the church recognized the new nation.

6.   Likewise, the church does not recognize marriages performed by married priests.

7.   Only after the church recognizes a third miracle may a candidate fully achieve sainthood.

8.   The church recognizes this gap.

9.   The church today recognizes that clergy are rightly subject to the law of the land.

10.   The Russian church has not recognized these remains as belonging to the czar, and neither Patriarch Alexy nor any other bishop attended the simple interment.

n. + recognize >>共 691
government 5.98%
people 5.86%
country 4.50%
official 2.77%
state 2.57%
court 2.41%
company 2.13%
fan 1.65%
leader 1.57%
law 1.45%
church 0.68%
church + v. >>共 746
be 20.56%
have 7.07%
say 1.85%
take 1.37%
hold 1.15%
make 1.11%
try 1.08%
become 1.06%
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remain 0.96%
recognize 0.41%
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