1.   And as Tavris has pointed out, chronic lower back pain can cause depression and irritability.

2.   Many of the elderly patients suffer chronic pain.

3.   Ones that enhance the serotonin effects are often helpful in chronic pain disorders.

4.   Paradoxical pain Editor, - David Bowsher defines paradoxical pain as chronic nociceptive pain that does not respond to morphine.

5.   Patients with muscle-contraction headaches often report chronic pain of long duration.

6.   Replace it with a picture of an elderly woman in a wheelchair desiring relief from chronic pain.

7.   She suffers from chronic pain in her legs.

8.   Some of these patients benefit from referral to a chronic pain center.

a. + pain >>共 598
back 12.97%
abdominal 5.92%
severe 5.31%
great 5.05%
chronic 4.54%
joint 2.63%
sharp 2.37%
physical 1.96%
economic 1.93%
excruciating 1.81%
chronic + n. >>共 602
disease 7.87%
problem 7.43%
pain 5.61%
illness 4.24%
fatigue 4.18%
condition 3.25%
shortage 2.77%
food 1.61%
gastritis 1.52%
health 1.52%
每页显示:    共 187