1.   Examples include patients with chronic infections, inflammation, malignancies, and liver disease.

2.   Mild hypercalcemia has been reported in chronic infections such as tuberculosis and some fungal diseases.

3.   Women who are mutilated suffer short and long term health problems ranging from shock and haemorrhage to chronic infections of the uterus and major problems during childbirth.

4.   There were no IgA antibodies to Giardia heat shock antigen, however, in any of these children with chronic infection.

5.   In addition, these patients with chronic infection unlike those who clear the infection have no IgA response to Giardia heat shock antigen.

6.   Little is known of the fundamental aspects of the immunology of chronic infection versus acute infection in giardiasis.

a. + infection >>共 424
viral 12.19%
respiratory 9.08%
bacterial 8.52%
new 4.75%
serious 2.81%
staph 2.60%
intestinal 2.25%
fungal 2.22%
severe 2.01%
upper 1.87%
chronic 1.66%
chronic + n. >>共 602
disease 7.87%
problem 7.43%
pain 5.61%
illness 4.24%
fatigue 4.18%
condition 3.25%
shortage 2.77%
food 1.61%
gastritis 1.52%
health 1.52%
infection 1.43%
每页显示:    共 48