1.   Anderson maintains that a chromium deficiency can also cause a rise in blood cholesterol, an even more important cardiac risk factor.

2.   Both chromium deficiency and a disturbance of trace element metabolism as a result of liming could be contributing to the moose deaths, he said.

3.   In some people, a serious chromium deficiency has been shown to precipitate adult-onset diabetes and an insensitivity to insulin.

4.   The FDA and Blackburn said that chromium deficiency among Americans has not been proved.

n. + deficiency >>共 103
iron 13.67%
vitamin 12.33%
iodine 8.67%
calcium 4.00%
safety 3.00%
enzyme 2.67%
oxygen 2.67%
carnitine 2.00%
testosterone 1.67%
thyroid 1.67%
chromium 1.33%
chromium + n. >>共 13
picolinate 29.41%
supplement 17.65%
deficiency 11.76%
compound 8.82%
level 5.88%
nitrate 5.88%
dye 2.94%
leg 2.94%
particle 2.94%
rail 2.94%
每页显示:    共 4