1.   You have two minutes to answer questions on your chosen subject.

2.   This hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject, but also in general matters which have some bearing on it.

3.   And, yes, there are books on the chosen subject in each room.

4.   The waxing of Disney and the waning of newspapers are the chosen subjects of Hiaasen and Hamill.

5.   Their chosen subject was the confused etiquette of mating in an era when men have lost much of their confidence.

6.   With each completed work, which is drawn by pencil from a photo with a great care for detail, Reagan will ship two copies to his chosen subject.

a. + subject >>共 938
sensitive 3.63%
same 2.70%
touchy 2.70%
favorite 2.53%
taboo 2.30%
human 1.86%
controversial 1.83%
new 1.72%
different 1.54%
particular 1.45%
chosen 0.17%
chosen + n. >>共 346
field 6.38%
profession 4.72%
one 4.46%
few 3.95%
successor 2.93%
people 2.81%
career 2.68%
candidate 2.42%
word 1.79%
site 1.53%
subject 0.77%
每页显示:    共 6