1.   Although fat ingestion only slightly affects cholesterol levels, both the triglyceride and lipoprotein electrophoresis results are greatly affected.

2.   Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, height and weight, exercise and lifestyle all come under close scrutiny.

3.   Cholesterol levels in the blood fluctuate in the course of a day.

4.   Eating refined carbohydrates such as those above can raise the blood cholesterol level, and is a possible cause of heart disease.

5.   If there is a lot of fat in our diet we have a high cholesterol level.

6.   In addition, several studies in diabetics have suggested that raised serum cholesterol levels are also associated with the presence of macrovascular disease.

7.   It is currently fashionable to forswear flesh eating in the interests of animal rights or a lower cholesterol level.

8.   It is often claimed that high blood cholesterol levels promote atherosclerosis and consequent coronary heart disease.

9.   Overweight children and adults have increased heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
cholesterol + n. >>共 93
level 53.32%
patient 3.23%
stone 2.85%
count 2.66%
drug 2.47%
concentration 2.09%
test 1.90%
value 1.90%
reading 1.52%
treatment 1.52%
每页显示:    共 279