1.   We can now go to the second choice question.

2.   We use multiple choice question papers in physics too.

3.   And there are no strings or brain-teasing multiple choice questions attached.

4.   Answer these multiple choice questions and see if you can pass the test.

5.   It has multiple choice questions but also asks for written answers to gauge original thinking.

6.   Participants in the test were graded on their accuracy and speed in using the Web to answer multiple choice questions on technology, geography, history and popular culture.

7.   Players must answer multiple choice questions and decipher gibberish phrases posed at random.

8.   Students answered multiple choice questions and wrote answers that varied in length from a paragraph to a page.

9.   Accordingly, multiple choice questions are more popular than essay based examinations.

10.   College students taking the Graduate Record Exam will have to do more than answer multiple choice questions.

a. + question >>共 706
big 4.26%
same 3.23%
only 2.90%
key 2.56%
unanswered 2.40%
real 1.98%
important 1.94%
serious 1.90%
first 1.87%
tough 1.68%
choice 0.06%
choice + n. >>共 296
word 7.35%
but 3.43%
program 3.27%
goalkeeper 2.61%
target 1.96%
assignment 1.96%
question 1.63%
plan 1.31%
theory 1.31%
multiple 1.31%
每页显示:    共 10