1.   Choice programs in schools typically have greater flexibility and autonomy than are found in traditional comprehensive high schools.

2.   He has consistently opposed school choice programs that would permit public funding of parochial schools.

3.   Both advocate charter schools and a voucher system to expand the current school choice program.

4.   But Democratic leaders questioned the merits of a school choice program that they said would only serve to undercut public support for public education.

5.   Cleveland is not the only place that has experimented with tax-supported school choice programs for the poor or those in failing schools.

6.   In Massachusetts, Cardinal Bernard Law and former Senate President William Bulger have long been proponents of including religious schools in school choice programs.

7.   Judging by the experience of the charitable choice program in states like Texas and Indiana, much of the interest in participating has come from urban African-American churches.

8.   Not only is there competitive impetus that comes with the parental choice program, there is also some help.

9.   One is through this parental choice program.

a. + program >>共 969
new 5.06%
training 4.36%
federal 3.15%
social 2.98%
nuclear 2.67%
short 2.42%
pilot 2.11%
similar 1.78%
educational 1.44%
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choice 0.08%
choice + n. >>共 296
word 7.35%
but 3.43%
program 3.27%
goalkeeper 2.61%
target 1.96%
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