1.   Therefore, the choice of method depends on which assumption is closest to reality.

2.   Their choice will depend on both their objective circumstances and the strength of their subjective aversion to risky prospects.

3.   Choice of treatment depends largely on the location of the tumor and the risks of surgery vs. radiotherapy.

4.   Its choice of currencies depends on where it can obtain the best swap rates in the maturities it wants, Zakrisson said.

5.   Strips thus allow the investor the widest range of risk choices depending on how aggressive he or she feels about where yields are heading.

6.   The choice of argument depends on who is winning and who is losing.

7.   The choice depends on the nature of both the deal and the firms.

8.   The choice would depend on which Byatt book is under scrutiny.

9.   The choice depends on your investing style.

10.   The choice of celebrity depends on the show, the institution and who is making the video or audio tour.

n. + depend >>共 1166
success 4.03%
lot 3.09%
answer 2.75%
life 2.00%
survival 1.59%
future 1.57%
decision 1.33%
company 1.21%
economy 1.18%
country 1.16%
choice 0.39%
choice + v. >>共 291
be 62.87%
have 2.42%
include 2.31%
seem 1.87%
come 1.79%
make 1.50%
become 1.10%
range 0.70%
appear 0.62%
reflect 0.62%
depend 0.59%
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