1.   At the same time the enterotoxin also promotes a net secretion of chloride ions into the gut lumen from the epithelial cells.

2.   Burgmayer and Murray then used this membrane to separate two solutions containing negatively charged chloride ions.

3.   More recent evidence suggests that there is cotransport of sodium, potassium, and two chloride ions together at this site.

4.   The membrane starts off positively charged, and chloride ions can pass through easily.

5.   What is important is that all the chlorine in the VOCs ends up as chloride ion rather than other potentially hazardous chlorinated compounds.

6.   When there are no chloride ions left in the specimen to react, the end-point is reached.

7.   In an ordinary salt such as sodium chloride, the valence electron deserts its metal atom for a neighboring chlorine atom, turning it into a negative chloride ion.

8.   People with CF have a defect in the gene for a protein that regulates the flow of chloride ions in and out of cells.

9.   Up until recently, doctors thought that the symptoms were caused by the blocked movement of chloride ions.

n. + ion >>共 40
sodium 24.24%
chloride 9.09%
calcium 9.09%
potassium 8.08%
bicarbonate 5.05%
lithium 4.04%
fluoride 3.03%
zinc 2.02%
formate 2.02%
magnesium 2.02%
chloride + n. >>共 21
ion 23.68%
absorption 7.89%
remover 7.89%
stripper 7.89%
concentration 5.26%
gas 5.26%
movement 5.26%
centrifugation 2.63%
channel 2.63%
coat 2.63%
每页显示:    共 9