1.   Fold into chilled whipped cream.

2.   Immediately pour the hot custard through the sieve into the chilled cream.

3.   It should come back together when you add a small amount of chilled cream and whisk well.

4.   Stir half the chilled whipped cream into the chilled lemon curd until mixture loosens up.

5.   The much-overlooked essential is real whipped cream that starts with a half pint of chilled whipping cream and a bit of powdered sugar.

a. + cream >>共 208
whipped 42.75%
heavy 12.08%
remaining 3.21%
sweetened 1.82%
whipping 1.74%
hot 1.65%
thick 1.48%
fresh 1.30%
anti-wrinkle 0.87%
soured 0.78%
chilled 0.43%
chilled + n. >>共 143
glass 8.33%
martini 5.75%
bowl 5.46%
water 5.46%
soup 3.45%
plate 2.59%
bottle 2.30%
wine 2.30%
butter 2.01%
champagne 2.01%
cream 1.44%
每页显示:    共 5