1.   Reconstituted milk is most acceptable when served well chilled.

2.   A wine that is light, fresh with a crisp acidity, and citrusy is the best choice, especially when served nicely chilled.

3.   British beers, on the other hand, are best when served slightly chilled.

4.   Once tender, either serve immediately or, to serve chilled, submerge in ice water to stop the cooking.

5.   Serve immediately or chill to serve later.

6.   This sauce can be gently warmed in a small saucepan or chilled to serve cold.

7.   Best served slightly chilled.

v. + serve >>共 177
be 6.93%
build 4.53%
sentence 4.27%
call 3.73%
use 3.20%
exist 2.67%
create 2.40%
set_up 2.40%
time 2.13%
recruit 1.87%
chill 1.87%
chill + v. >>共 7
serve 50.00%
set 14.29%
have 7.14%
hear 7.14%
report 7.14%
taste 7.14%
vapor 7.14%
每页显示:    共 7