1.   Conventional compared with individualized chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

2.   Second malignancies in patients treated for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

3.   A second study examined the higher incidence of childhood leukemia around the nuclear weapons establishments at Aldermaston and Burghfield.

4.   Another gained national attention fighting childhood leukemia.

5.   A dramatic example is the Madagascar rosy periwinkle, which helped transform childhood leukemia from a killer disease to a survivable condition.

6.   But fields generated by high-voltage lines have long been under scrutiny, after some studies indicated a weak correlation between living under power lines and childhood leukemia.

7.   But the National Research Council, responding to a request from Congress, concluded that much of the research that found heightened childhood leukemia and other diseases was misleading.

8.   Even when the National Academy of Sciences last November found no evidence of risk, it suggested further research on childhood leukemia.

9.   Four of five patients with the most common form of childhood leukemia now survive.

10.   Gallo noted that early drug therapies for childhood leukemia appeared to have cured children of the cancer.

n. + leukemia >>共 15
childhood 55.56%
promyelocytic 11.11%
cell 3.70%
mouse 3.70%
myelogenus 3.70%
myloid 3.70%
nonlymphocytic 3.70%
cause 1.85%
child 1.85%
contract 1.85%
childhood + n. >>共 426
friend 12.61%
memory 5.66%
home 5.26%
dream 4.22%
education 3.28%
experience 2.88%
disease 2.63%
cancer 2.38%
sweetheart 2.18%
abuse 1.99%
leukemia 1.49%
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