1.   The children are studying pond life this term.

2.   The children studied him impassively.

3.   He said that the National Curriculum insisted that all children study newspapers to develop a critical understanding of the media and the role it played in the community.

4.   As such, it serves much the same purpose as the dozens of weekend Chinese schools across the city, where children study Chinese language and culture.

5.   By law, every Mexican child must study through the ninth grade.

6.   Christine Baker insisted all her children study Spanish when they were growing up, the better to facilitate communication and camaraderie with everyone in their multi-ethnic neighborhood in Riverside.

7.   His father was a strict former Army sergeant who insisted his children study classical music.

8.   I went to grade school and high school in Yamhill, Ore., in a rural area where far more children studied welding than French.

9.   If the child is ready for school, you may want to pick software that matches up well with the subjects your child will be studying.

10.   In most categories, they found significantly higher problems in the minority children studied.

n. + study >>共 571
scientist 5.76%
government 5.22%
researcher 4.99%
student 4.60%
official 4.56%
time 3.94%
company 3.44%
commission 2.16%
group 2.01%
committee 1.89%
child 1.55%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
study 0.18%
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