1.   Clinton deliberately couched it as a proposal for making children repeat grades, to please the most conservative listeners.

2.   Her children will not repeat the mistake.

3.   If parents reward a child for an action, the child would repeat it.

4.   If your child has repeated difficulty paying attention over a period of six months or so, it may signal a more serious learning difficulty.

5.   It will offer children repeated opportunities to acquire, practice and improve a skill.

6.   Scores in each group were expected to improve simply because the children were repeating the test.

7.   The books allow children to repeat words and then hear their own voices played back.

8.   The child repeats the expression with just as much warmth and feeling.

9.   The children repeat rhythms and melodies, move to different styles of music and improvise songs and rhythms.

10.   Then, the last child repeats what she heard.

n. + repeat >>共 406
history 15.91%
official 5.39%
president 2.61%
pattern 2.44%
government 2.19%
leader 2.10%
cycle 1.94%
process 1.60%
company 1.43%
child 1.09%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
repeat 0.06%
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