1.   A child May, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.

2.   To imagine how such a child might feel, picture yourself on a hot, lazy summer afternoon.

3.   Children may, to some degree, become greedy, selfish, ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others, beginning with their parents.

4.   And I kept logs, as only an obsessed child might.

5.   As a result, a child may not to want to see his father, which could influence a judge or other officials making a custody decision.

6.   On large expanses of canvas, fissures of graffiti and veils or clots of color converse with one another, as a child might with an imaginary friend.

7.   Some of us vote the way our parents did, the ways we wish our children might.

8.   To worry parents that their child might be dangerous?

9.   When buckets were galvanized steel, not white plastic bearing warnings that children might drown in them.

10.   Young children may or may not be motivated to complete their investigative stroll about town.

n. + may >>共 780
come 1.79%
company 1.42%
people 1.12%
government 1.05%
military 0.90%
child 0.82%
result 0.82%
lead 0.67%
man 0.67%
change 0.67%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
may 0.05%
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