1.   Thus, the ways in which children interact differently with peers and adults have different outcomes for development.

2.   While the other children interacted and played together, Ted ignored them.

3.   Bruce Blumberg is using a plush chicken toy to make it easy for children to interact with computers.

4.   Brunner said many children first interact with computer games that often are geared toward boys.

5.   I phone Amy Bruckman, an assistant professor of computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology who studies how children interact with computers.

6.   To research the film, Majidi visited schools for the blind and watched the children interact.

n. + interact >>共 193
people 7.81%
disturbance 5.73%
user 4.17%
air 2.60%
system 2.08%
character 1.82%
drug 1.82%
player 1.82%
child 1.56%
viewer 1.56%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
interact 0.03%
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