1.   Although her three children graduated from public school, Ms. Messinger herself is not unlike the typical Giuliani constituent she defined in her speech.

2.   Bauer said that by the time children graduate from high school they have been bombarded by visions of thousands of murders on their television sets.

3.   During the strike, children graduated from their strollers to walk with their mothers on the picket line.

4.   Each year more children have graduated from summer school and moved on to the next grade.

5.   Gingrich never directly addressed bilingual education or immigration, although he did say that every child should graduate knowing two languages.

6.   My oldest child just graduated from high school.

7.   Most children not only graduate from high school, but go on to a college or career school after that.

8.   Nor is it necessary that every child graduate from high school ready to qualify for a four-year liberal arts college.

9.   Now the child graduates from college.

10.   Parents say that they start playing along with their toddlers but that the children eventually graduate to playing on their own.

n. + graduate >>共 140
student 14.37%
son 7.04%
child 4.69%
daughter 4.11%
college 3.81%
class 2.93%
player 2.64%
woman 2.05%
senior 2.05%
school 1.76%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
graduate 0.07%
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