1.   Another provision of the child credit also seems certain to prompt a battle.

2.   At what income level should parents qualify for the child tax credit?

3.   But the conferees have not decided the precise income level at which the child tax credit should be eliminated for the most affluent families.

4.   By the same token fixed-dollar child credits do not raise effective tax rates, and their value does not drop when working people with children marry.

5.   Clinton wants to boost the child tax credit and provide a tax credit for employers that provide day care.

6.   Clinton has long backed a scaled-down version of the child credit, which is also supported by traditional Democratic constituencies like organized labor.

7.   Economic conservatives argue that the child tax credit has no economic justification, because it simply rewards people for having children.

8.   Edwards said he supports tax cuts such as expanding child tax credits, lowering the estate tax and reducing the so-called marriage penalty.

9.   For example, the child tax credit, the Hope scholarship credit and the lifetime-learning credit cannot be used to reduce your tax burden under the AMT.

10.   Franklin Raines, the White House budget chief, said providing the child credit to more families should be considered a tax cut for them.

n. + credit >>共 350
tax 49.24%
export 3.17%
child 3.04%
bank 3.00%
college 2.20%
pollution 1.39%
government 1.35%
investment 1.06%
emission 1.01%
term 0.93%
child + n. >>共 903
care 12.25%
abuse 10.58%
pornography 5.69%
support 5.22%
molester 2.01%
prostitution 1.84%
soldier 1.66%
labour 1.55%
case 1.45%
seat 1.41%
credit 0.87%
每页显示:    共 72