1.   Dinner Chicken casserole, boiled potatoes in their skins, lemon sorbet.

2.   Chicken casserole, and you can have a little bit.

3.   But instead of making the same old tuna or chicken casserole, experiment with different vegetables, meats and cheeses.

4.   We can only assume they ate the blue-plate specials that were often variations on roast pork or chicken casseroles.

a. + casserole >>共 90
large 16.94%
flameproof 8.06%
ovenproof 5.65%
shallow 5.65%
buttered 4.44%
prepared 3.63%
heavy 3.23%
greased 2.42%
small 2.42%
covered 2.02%
chicken 1.61%
chicken + n. >>共 451
stock 7.39%
broth 6.97%
soup 6.20%
piece 5.42%
salad 3.35%
wing 3.24%
coop 2.54%
farm 2.36%
dish 1.76%
sandwich 1.62%
casserole 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4