1.   As the chicks hatched, they were moved into an out-building and then, when fully fledged, up to the pool.

2.   It must time the laying of its eggs so that its chicks hatch when caterpillars are most abundant, and most palatable.

3.   As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.

4.   Deep inside the museum, baby chicks are still hatching.

5.   In addition to the Adirondacks, chicks have hatched in southern Albany County, Sullivan County and in western New York.

6.   The crew also avoids the period when albatross chicks hatch because tiger sharks roam the waters to prey upon the chicks and pose a threat to divers.

7.   Farmer Harold Moore discovered the abnormality when the chick hatched about a month ago.

8.   In March, the female eagle was sitting on the nest, and in April a chick hatched.

9.   Two female condors shared the cliffside nest where the chick hatched Friday.

n. + hatch >>共 88
egg 33.71%
larva 5.62%
chick 5.06%
turtle 2.25%
caterpillar 1.12%
couple 1.12%
government 1.12%
company 1.12%
bird 1.12%
entrepreneur 1.12%
chick + v. >>共 74
be 15.43%
say 14.81%
dig 8.64%
hatch 5.56%
die 3.70%
have 3.09%
know 1.85%
need 1.85%
require 1.85%
take 1.85%
每页显示:    共 9