1.   All she had left was a chew toy that was not nearly as exciting.

2.   Die-hard Republicans clung to these stories like terriers tugging on chew toys.

3.   He has a red chew toy and two other police dogs to keep him company.

4.   He rained in jumpers, he pounded away inside, he treated Dennis Rodman like a chew toy.

5.   John Merryman of Phoenix, who brought Clay in, also planned to buy him some more dog food and a chew toy.

6.   Stick to hard rubber and softer nylon type chew toys.

7.   They dry them out and sell them for doggie and kitty chew toys.

8.   Vsande Childers-Zadah, of West Palm Beach, Fla., has patented the use of valerian root in chew toys and food treats for pets.

n. + toy >>共 169
sex 8.33%
high-tech 4.84%
windup 2.69%
cat 2.42%
water 2.15%
giveaway 2.15%
war 2.15%
boy 2.15%
rubber 2.15%
chew 2.15%
chew + n. >>共 8
toy 50.00%
mark 12.50%
glass 6.25%
gum 6.25%
khat 6.25%
scenery 6.25%
stick 6.25%
tobacco 6.25%
每页显示:    共 8