1.   Dried cherry aromas, cherry and licorice flavors with a meaty edge.

2.   Ripe cherry aroma, with cherry and chocolate flavors.

3.   Robust cherry aromas and flavors with a nice mustiness and smooth tannins.

4.   The bright raspberry-black cherry aromas and flavors appeal more than those of Cabernet Sauvignon.

a. + aroma >>共 202
pungent 3.43%
rich 3.20%
wonderful 2.52%
sweet 2.52%
pleasant 2.29%
earthy 2.29%
floral 2.29%
powerful 1.83%
heady 1.83%
strong 1.83%
cherry 0.92%
cherry + n. >>共 154
tree 22.96%
blossom 15.88%
pie 4.72%
orchard 3.00%
wood 2.36%
red 2.36%
juice 1.93%
sauce 1.50%
pitter 1.07%
aroma 0.86%
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