1.   A specific gene mutation may also confer immunity to HIV by decreasing or eliminating the number of chemokine receptors in host cells.

2.   Here was Berger announcing that fusin, a protein from a family that includes chemokine receptors, facilitated the spread of viruses that had already invaded the body.

3.   It was indeed a chemokine receptor.

4.   Moore and his colleagues were looking hard for a chemokine receptor.

5.   Researchers have learned that HIV enters cells through the same keyhole that chemokines use, called chemokine receptors.

6.   The first interaction triggers the opening up of its grapple for the chemokine receptor.

7.   The finding means there are now six receptors for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, belonging to a family known as chemokine receptors.

8.   The new finding means there are now six receptors for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, belonging to a family known as chemokine receptors.

9.   Universities and companies are investigating seven chemokines and five different chemokine receptors.

n. + receptor >>共 90
estrogen 8.82%
brain 5.39%
cell 4.90%
insulin 4.41%
chemokine 4.41%
dopamine 3.43%
pain 3.43%
adenosine 2.94%
serotonin 2.94%
taste 2.94%
chemokine + n. >>共 2
receptor 90.00%
gene 10.00%
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