1.   Groundwater levels have already been reduced by three to four years of below-average rainfall, which increases the risk of pollution from pesticides and other chemical runoffs.

2.   The organization believes conservation programs help the environment by addressing such problems as chemical runoff and loss of topsoil and by creating habitat for wildlife.

3.   Those systems now must reduce atrazine levels in their water through expensive treatment and by working with farmers to control chemical runoff from farm fields.

4.   Activists are pressing for widespread improvements in munitions and want something done about the chemical runoff from solvents that troops use to wash machinery.

5.   Human and industrial waste together with pesticides and other chemical runoffs from farms are turning it into an open sewer.

6.   The tribesmen said mining operations also encourage soil erosion and harm agricultural lands with chemical runoffs.

a. + runoff >>共 144
presidential 16.45%
democratic 5.92%
agricultural 5.70%
second 4.17%
primary 3.95%
polluted 3.07%
parliamentary 2.85%
round 2.63%
close 1.97%
republican 1.75%
chemical 1.32%
chemical + n. >>共 799
weapon 19.19%
company 6.01%
reaction 4.82%
plant 3.35%
industry 2.70%
product 2.34%
agent 2.11%
compound 1.64%
maker 1.51%
process 1.24%
runoff 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6