1.   Each checkout contains a memory and a clock so that data is captured not just on sales but on the work rate of the checkout assistants.

2.   Part-time checkout assistants,, enjoy a break in the staff restaurant.

3.   Douglas Groom, checkout assistant at Bramingham Park, was delighted to learn that his nomination for the Good Neighbour Scheme had been successful.

4.   Sue Seels, checkout assistant, tries out one of the new snack vending machines.

n. + assistant >>共 175
research 15.48%
production 6.05%
office 5.34%
deputy 4.80%
physician 4.80%
staff 3.02%
care 2.49%
student 1.78%
replay 1.60%
news 1.42%
checkout 0.89%
checkout + n. >>共 42
counter 28.07%
line 27.02%
clerk 6.32%
stand 4.91%
lane 3.51%
time 3.16%
process 2.81%
scanner 2.81%
aisle 2.46%
system 2.11%
assistant 1.75%
每页显示:    共 5