1.   A strip chart recorder duplicates the reading of the computer and forms a permanent record.

2.   This temperature difference T is recorded and transmitted to a chart recorder where changes such as melting or crystallization are recorded as peaks.

3.   Pressures were measured using external strain gauge transducers which were situated in each infusion line and connected via amplifiers to an eight channel chart recorder.

4.   The electrodes were attached to the chart recorder via an amplifier.

n. + recorder >>共 73
flight 25.26%
datum 22.50%
voice 21.05%
cockpit 14.84%
cassette 5.80%
flight-data 1.38%
video-cassette 0.97%
event 0.76%
mission 0.55%
channel 0.28%
chart 0.28%
chart + n. >>共 67
success 6.78%
house 4.24%
topper 4.24%
leader 4.24%
showing 4.24%
review 4.24%
hit 3.39%
pattern 3.39%
recorder 3.39%
table 3.39%
每页显示:    共 4