1.   Also under consideration are increasing tax deductions for charitable donations, and tax breaks for charitable institutions.

2.   Any unclaimed funds will go to organizations serving Holocaust survivors, old age homes and other charitable institutions, Steinberg said.

3.   At issue in the Camps Newfound case was a Maine law that gives certain tax exemptions to charitable institutions only if they mainly serve Maine residents.

4.   All told, they contributed to nearly three dozen charitable institutions great and small.

5.   Charitable institutions are not always willing to accept such strong conditions on donations, Zabel said.

6.   Choosing to sell through an auction house makes sense when the proceeds go to charitable institutions.

7.   Experts said that the charitable immunity law only applies to charitable institutions, not individuals.

8.   In addition, many tax experts say that bequests to universities and other charitable institutions could dry up.

9.   Internal Revenue Service code prohibits a charitable institution, such as the temple, from political fund-raising.

10.   Inside, I felt more as if I were entering a concentration camp than a charitable institution.

a. + institution >>共 502
financial 28.42%
international 4.35%
educational 2.03%
democratic 1.98%
lending 1.96%
japanese 1.79%
public 1.71%
private 1.63%
cultural 1.61%
foreign 1.54%
charitable 0.22%
charitable + n. >>共 199
organization 13.50%
contribution 10.41%
foundation 8.41%
donation 6.66%
group 4.96%
cause 4.90%
work 4.54%
choice 4.24%
trust 3.27%
fund 2.24%
institution 1.57%
每页显示:    共 26