1.   She was now executive director of a large charitable foundation.

2.   The Halls are appealing to charitable foundations, businesses, corporations and local people for further support.

3.   The remote origins of Emanuel School lay in the sixteenth century and a small charitable foundation for the elderly and the young.

4.   When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.

5.   Research is well supported by grants and contracts from Research Councils, a wide range of charitable foundations, the European Community and industry.

6.   And it obliges the firm to continue to support a charitable foundation through which the Cantors have provided extensive support to medical research and the arts over the years.

7.   As it turned out, Fannie Mae made a small profit on this repurchase -- but it donated the gain to its charitable foundation.

8.   As for the Kennedy family, the grandchildren will carry on its philanthropic tradition while learning some patience, says Ronald Appel, a lawyer who advises charitable foundations.

9.   At a handover ceremony in Tripoli on Tuesday, European ministers trotted on to the podium to heap thanks on the Libyan leader and his charitable foundation.

10.   Bic bought the company from Carls-Stiftung, a German charitable foundation.

a. + foundation >>共 513
private 8.54%
charitable 6.86%
solid 4.64%
new 4.25%
nonprofit 3.60%
concrete 2.96%
very 2.52%
strong 2.42%
family 2.07%
legal 1.68%
charitable + n. >>共 199
organization 13.50%
contribution 10.41%
foundation 8.41%
donation 6.66%
group 4.96%
cause 4.90%
work 4.54%
choice 4.24%
trust 3.27%
fund 2.24%
每页显示:    共 138