1.   After an election marred by charges of voter fraud, President Alberto K. Fujimori of Peru no doubt needs all the friends he can get.

2.   But the Menem years were also marred by charges of judicial manipulation and corruption.

3.   His record was marred by charges of ruthless internal repression.

4.   It was a race marred by charges of fraud and ongoing political feuds.

5.   Mwanawasa, who selected his Cabinet on Monday, won an election marred by charges of vote rigging.

6.   But the vote was marred by charges of fraud.

7.   But the elections were marred by charges of fraud, and by scattered fighting that killed at least three people.

8.   But the celebration here has been marred by charges that the wife of Socialist Premier Andreas Papandreou was trying to take advantage of the event for personal political gain.

9.   But the elections were marred by charges of fraud, and by scattered fighting that killed at least six people.

10.   Counting problems, fraud charges mar Indonesian poll.

n. + mar >>共 197
violence 19.84%
incident 4.72%
allegation 4.23%
charge 3.74%
fraud 3.74%
irregularity 2.93%
clash 2.76%
dispute 2.76%
report 1.95%
tragedy 1.95%
charge + v. >>共 522
be 34.69%
carry 6.87%
include 5.03%
stem 2.97%
pend 2.61%
come 2.24%
relate 1.70%
have 1.33%
follow 1.31%
involve 1.21%
mar 0.46%
每页显示:    共 23