1.   -- Says character matters and pushes family values.

2.   Character always matters.

3.   Character matters a lot.

4.   Character matters more.

5.   Character matters most.

6.   Exit polls found that both candidates did well among voters who said character mattered more than positions on issues.

7.   It matters because the characters mattered to the people making the film.

8.   The Dole camp must remind the people why public character matters and why Bill Clinton cannot be trusted.

9.   The lesson, of course, is that character does matter.

n. + matter >>共 550
it 4.25%
size 4.25%
money 2.67%
thing 2.50%
distinction 1.42%
difference 1.42%
opinion 1.42%
word 1.17%
game 1.17%
race 1.17%
character 0.75%
character + v. >>共 658
be 34.74%
have 5.08%
seem 2.60%
come 1.59%
do 1.50%
become 1.27%
speak 1.16%
appear 1.13%
get 1.07%
make 1.04%
matter 0.26%
每页显示:    共 9