1.   All in the area stood and placed their hard hats over their chests as a chaplain blessed the bag.

2.   Everyone in earshot stood and put their hard hats over their hearts, while a chaplain blessed the bag.

3.   A Canadian military chaplain blessed the coffins before they were removed from the plane in Germany.

4.   It added that the hospital chaplain had blessed each foetus -- six males and two females -- by name.

n. + bless >>共 68
priest 10.53%
church 5.26%
chaplain 3.51%
clergy 3.51%
nature 3.51%
pope 3.51%
fortune 2.63%
congregation 2.63%
opportunity 2.63%
patriarch 2.63%
chaplain + v. >>共 76
be 14.73%
give 3.88%
arrive 3.10%
mean 3.10%
bless 3.10%
say 3.10%
perform 2.33%
accompany 1.55%
find 1.55%
follow 1.55%
每页显示:    共 4